Monday, May 11, 2009

walking is food for the soul... and the budding artist

no matter how down my spirits or how "stuck" I am, if I get outdoors for a walk... things start to shift...

here are a few pictures that might inspire you to go on a bit of a walk yourself - whether you feel currently inspired or no, it's a wonderful way to connect with the world around you and you may even find that your thoughts will put themselves in order, while you're not looking! (howz that for a bag of mixed up, jumbled up images. ha!)

we were staying with friends down in wollongong (who just got married, woohoo!) and we went for a beautiful long walk along the coast up to the light house.

and if you're wondering about the science behind why walking is so good for the brain (body, mind and spirit) Thomas Hartmann has a thing or two to say about it in his book:

and Julia Cameron encourages you to walk at least once a week in her sequel to 'The Artist's Way' called, 'Walk in This World'. Personally, I like to walk once a day to keep the wolves at bay. In fact if I don't get my walk in, I feel that I go a little stir crazy!!!

Take care and walk your way through and into a big pot of inspiration,

PS. I hit 50 pages today... ooo, it feels good - even it if will be edited down to about 1/2 in the next pass :)

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