Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Some words from my mentor, Julia Cameron...

I wanted to share with u some words from my
Mentor, Julia Cameron -

Opening to our intuition IS like opening to a new love affair. Our first adventure may be a coffee date that feels a little stiff but has a few memorable possibilities. Our second flyer may be a little more bold - say, a kiss goodbye on the cheek. Our third venture may mark the beginning of a budding passion, an interest we can't quite shake, that companions us through our days. An intuitive leading is a lead we must follow. "Destiny" arrived as a humble lunch, not a fanfare.

Pretty awesome huh? This is the best home grown breakthru eva! Have you picked up tour own copy of Walking This World yet?
Love & inspiration,
your virgin novelist

Monday, June 8, 2009

For the love of it...

Want to learn the guitar? Simon will take requests!

I met this groovy cat whilst I was strolling along the beach this morning, sipping a latte, walking to clear my head.

He's a gorgeous musician and a wonderful example of an artist who makes music for the love of it. He shared with me he is creating videos and tutorials for YouTube just to give back to the muse and his community.

Nice work, Simon :)
Sing it out!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The great adventure

This is a quote from julia cameron (book: walking in this world)

The great adventure of the creative life lies not only in the territory seen but in the fact that much of what we see has not been seen before.

Love it, live it, express it,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

another great quote, this time about mastery of your craft...

Here's a cool quote I read on a facebook group I just joined called A.C.D.C.

"There are those that learn to swim by being thrown into the water and there are those that learn to swim by acquiring knowledge about everything to do with the process of swimming, and play around with various conscious ways of entering the water as well as propelling through water.

The former become good at not drowning - the latter may swim in a range of styles, understand the nature of water and it's various forms, and most importantly can consciously identify the experience of doing as well as interpret it's impact on the viewers.

The former doesn't take very long to achieve, the latter is a life time commitment."

Cool huh? I think it pretty much applies to any creative endeavour... and life in general :)

Image Source:


Quote Source:
posted on a fb by Greg Kurapatkin

Friday, May 22, 2009

Great quote on shop window

Reality leaves a lot to the imagination...

LOL - love it
Keep writing, reading & playing - the imagination is there just for you, 24/7!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

walking is food for the soul... and the budding artist

no matter how down my spirits or how "stuck" I am, if I get outdoors for a walk... things start to shift...

here are a few pictures that might inspire you to go on a bit of a walk yourself - whether you feel currently inspired or no, it's a wonderful way to connect with the world around you and you may even find that your thoughts will put themselves in order, while you're not looking! (howz that for a bag of mixed up, jumbled up images. ha!)

we were staying with friends down in wollongong (who just got married, woohoo!) and we went for a beautiful long walk along the coast up to the light house.

and if you're wondering about the science behind why walking is so good for the brain (body, mind and spirit) Thomas Hartmann has a thing or two to say about it in his book:

and Julia Cameron encourages you to walk at least once a week in her sequel to 'The Artist's Way' called, 'Walk in This World'. Personally, I like to walk once a day to keep the wolves at bay. In fact if I don't get my walk in, I feel that I go a little stir crazy!!!

Take care and walk your way through and into a big pot of inspiration,

PS. I hit 50 pages today... ooo, it feels good - even it if will be edited down to about 1/2 in the next pass :)

the autumn leaves...

Now for those of you reading this on the other side of the world, you may not realise, but for us here in Australia and the southern hemisphere, we have found ourselves firmly slap bang in the middle of autumn. How do I know? The beautiful flaming trees, that's how!

I spent the morning sitting in cafes writing today and as I walked to the train station I was swept away by the beautiful falling gold and orange and flaming red leaves that were dancing in the street around me. The leaves were being picked up and swirled by the wind - coming to rest in gutters, on the roots of the trees and even on the roofs and windscreens of the parked cars.

It was beautiful.

Here are a few pictures I took on my way home.

Autumn is a wonderful time to rug up with your favourite novel or dive into your favourite novel, as I am doing now, and get lost in a fantasy world filled with pages that unravel before you...

At the moment, Eva, my main character, is trying to play it safe, play it cool. She's hedging her bets, trying to avoid her fate - which is to fall hopelessly head over heels in love with Richard, the hot new boy in her sleepy, winter town. She's still edging around the sides, trying to duck out of cupid's grasp, terrified of being singled out, terrified of being made a fool of... but soon enough she will be swept away in her first terrifying, exhilarating experience of love... what a world to muck about in, eh? It goes perfectly with falling leaves, warm socks, woolly jackets and hot chocolate that goes so well with this time of year... autumn.

I only wish I could look forward to snow and ice skating during the winter. But I guess I have Eva for that.

(Being the author I also get to have her have whatever I want her to have and live vicariously through her. He he. Author's privileges sure are sweet!)

Take care,